Forex glossary
- Account balance
- Account Equity
- Appreciation
- Arbitrage
- Ask (Offer) Price
- At Best
- At or Better
- Bar Chart
- Base Currency
- Bear Market
- Bid/Ask Spread
- Bid Price
- Big Figure
- Book
- Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944
- Broker
- Bull Market
- Bundesbank
- Candlestick Chart
- Carry Trade
- Cash Market
- Central Bank
- Chartist
- Cleared Funds
- Clearing
- Closed Position
- Collateral
- Commission
- Confirmation
- Contract
- Counter Currency
- Counterparty
- Country Risk
- Cross Currency Pairs
- Currency
- Currency Pair
- Currency Risk
- Currency symbols
- Current Account
- Day Trader
- Dealer
- Deficit
- Delivery
- Depreciation
- Devaluation
- Discount Rate
- Economic Indicator
- End Of Day Order (EOD)
- European Central Bank (ECB)
- European Monetary Union (EMU)
- Eurozone Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Leading Indicator
- Federal Reserve (Fed)
- First In First Out (FIFO)
- Flat/square
- Foreign Exchange – (Forex, FX)
- Forward
- Forward Points
- Fundamental Analysis
- Futures Contract
- FX
- G7
- Going Long
- Going Short
- Gold Certificate
- Gold Contract
- Good ‘Til Cancelled Order (GTC)
- Gross Domestic Product
- Gross National Product
- Hedge
- “Hit the bid”
- Industrial Production
- Inflation
- Initial Margin
- Interbank Rates
- Introducing Broker
- ISM Manufacturing Index
- ISM Non-Manufacturing
- Japanese Economy Watchers Survey
- Japanese Machine Tool Orders
- Kiwi
- Leading Indicators
- Leverage
- Limit order
- Liquidation
- Liquidity
- Long position
- Lot
- Manufacturing Production
- Margin
- Margin Call
- Market Maker
- Market Risk
- Mark-to-Market
- Maturity
- Net Position
- Offer (ask)
- Offsetting transaction
- One Cancels the Other Order (OCO)
- Open order
- Open position
- Order
- Overnight Position
- Over the Counter (OTC)
- Personal Income
- Pips
- Political Risk
- Position
- Premium
- Price Transparency
- Profit/Loss
- Purchasing Managers Index Services (Eurozone, UK)
- Quote
- Rally
- Range
- Rate
- Resistance
- Retail Sales
- Revaluation
- Risk
- Risk Management
- Roll-Over
- Round trip
- Settlement
- Short Position
- Simple Moving Average (SMA)
- Spot Market
- Spot Price
- Spot Trade
- Spread
- Square
- Stop Loss Order
- Support Levels
- Swap
- Swissy
- Technical Analysis
- Tick
- Tomorrow Next (Tom/Next)
- Trade Balance
- Transaction Cost
- Transaction Date
- Two-Way Price
- Unemployment Rate
- Unrealized Gain/Loss
- Uptick
- Uptick Rule
- US Prime Rate
- Value Date
- Variation Margin
- VIX or Volatility Index
- Wedge Chart Pattern
- X
- Y
- Z